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Daunting task funny story.....

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 10:27
by RBHarter
I've seen several threads about how smells take us back to places and times and how some of our kept company feels about our aromatic cleaning products .........

I've begun the daunting task of cleaning preserving and packing up the guns and tools for the impending move from bare steels friend to the rust belt . I am of course torn between the old standards that have long kept the duck guns and wet season rifles rust free long enough to get them home from the rust belt or off the mountain and some new super wizbang wonder juice . I've decided that if the back of the package is marked not for sale in California it can't be all bad . So after a deep cleaning of 3-4 I decided to test some Barricade against wet mop Hoppes and Singer oil ........I did mention daughting task right ........ The little time left before the move isn't much of a time line but run with what you've got right ?

Some last night we're watching a movie and Ms keeps smelling "spilled nail polish" . The wind was blowing like ..........umm .......well 35 gusting 70 with periods of 50 sustained for 3-5 min and when it curls around just so it pressurizes the bathroom vent fans and a cool swirl runs through the house and out the kitchen vent . Fun stuff . Anyway I guess the polish remover cotton balls were not drying with the usual speed/a little girl used a paper towel to clean up a little oops and a lot of remover ........ I kind of like acetone so it's no big deal to me . Anyway we'd get the just so gusts and the air would of course fill the room with the smell of the remover .
Hang in there .
I had wiped down in and out several guns with the Barricade which is marked in bold print "NOT FOR SALE IN CALIFORNIA" and as usual when done taken out my trash with the tee-shirt parts and dirty patches out . But I had also done a couple of shotguns in Hoppes . So my first suspect is that I've left a bottle of Hoppes open or missed a wipe down cloth . So I make a quick trip around and nothing but I didn't get the Barricade can closed all the down to tight seal so I pushed it down a little further and checked the Hoppes lid . For the sake of "investigation" or maybe just for fun I hold out my left hand , it had the Hoppes wet lable in it and ask if that's it that's not it I rubbed my right thumb and forefinger together , having closed the squirt can of Barricade with my thumb , and say what about this ?
What a delight ! She says nope both of those smell like perfume or colone or something . It that nail polish that stinks ...... Gotta love a woman that thinks #9 is as good Old Spice !

Re: Daunting task funny story.....

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 13:25
by Macd
Gotta love it. My wife suspects every smell in the house emanates from my workshop (including me). For the sake of domestic peace I never mention the gagging odor of water repellent she sprays on her boots, or eye stinging residue of hairspray hanging in the washroom for me to walk through in the morning. Saints forbid that I suggest sitting next to her watching the TV while she removes polish from her nails should be covered by the ban on chemical warfare.

Re: Daunting task funny story.....

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 13:38
by Ranch Dog
RB, call me weird but I love the smell of Barricade! It smells of my favorites; both rifles and times.