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Posts: 52
Joined: 19 Jul 2019 13:38
My Press Choice: Turret
Location: La.
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Post by az2vet »

I ordered a set of 38/357 dies and case length gage as well as a 4 hole turret on 8Jan. The dies showed as in stock before I ordered but after showed as on backorder, oh well. They showed more expected early feb. then got pushed back to late feb. then to 6 March. I checked the order 3 days ago(fri) and showed as still on back order for the dies.

Mailman just dropped off my package from FS Reloading; dies, case length gage and turret. O YEA! AND the dies have the new spline drive lock rings, double bonus. Was not expecting that, but no spline wrench. I checked my order and it shipped Saturday and arrived today Monday. I am going to take the new lock rings off of the resize, bullet seating and crimp dies and put them on other powder thru dies as those sometimes for me require an adjustment. No more having to use an old RCBS steel die and having to lube them. I will eventually order another resize die and a powder thru die to use with the RCBS bullet seat/crimp die to have a turret set up for each 38 and 357 so I can feed the 686+. This is gonna be a good week.
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